欧洲投资银行向Sateliot赠款3 000万欧元,以扩大其卫星网络,改善全球IoT连接。 The European Investment Bank grants €30 million to Sateliot to expand its satellite network and improve global IoT connectivity.
欧洲投资银行向西班牙卫星通信公司Sateliot提供了3 000万欧元贷款,以扩大其由100多颗低地球轨道卫星组成的网络。 The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted a €30 million loan to Sateliot, a Spanish satellite communications company, to expand its network of over 100 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. 这一扩展旨在加强全球互联网连接,特别是在偏远和服务不足的地区。 This expansion aims to enhance global IoT connectivity, particularly in remote and underserved areas. 这笔贷款得到了欧盟投资方案InvestEU的支持,并将帮助Sateliot在2025年将其头四颗卫星投入商业服务。 The loan is backed by InvestEU, the EU's investment program, and will help Sateliot bring its first four satellites into commercial service in 2025.