迪斯尼将ESPN内容纳入迪斯尼+,提供成千上万次现场体育活动。 Disney integrates ESPN content into Disney+, offering access to thousands of live sports events.
迪斯尼将ESPN的内容纳入了迪斯尼+平台,使用户可以通过迪斯尼+应用程序直接访问ESPN的内容。 Disney has integrated ESPN's content into its Disney+ platform, allowing subscribers to access ESPN content directly through the Disney+ app. 这项运动结合了迪斯尼+、Hulu和ESPN+服务,在头90天更容易参加5 000场现场体育活动,包括大型联赛和澳大利亚公开赛。 This move combines Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ services, offering easier access to 5,000 live sports events in the first 90 days, including major league games and the Australian Open. 整合的目的是促进用户参与,减少用户数量。 The integration aims to boost user engagement and reduce subscriber churn.