凉爽的天气正在席卷南乔治亚州,带来异常温和的气温,将持续一周。 Cooler weather is sweeping South Georgia, bringing unusual mild temperatures that will last through the week.
南乔治亚州的居民正在经历长时间的凉爽天气,气温低于每年这个时候的正常水平。 Residents in South Georgia are experiencing prolonged cool weather, with temperatures lower than usual for this time of year. 尽管具有典型的季节性变暖趋势,但较凉爽的条件仍然存在,影响了莫尔特里、瓦尔多斯塔和蒂夫顿等地区。 The cooler conditions have persisted despite the typical seasonal warming trend, affecting areas such as Moultrie, Valdosta, and Tifton. 建议居民保持温暖并为潜在的寒流做好准备。 Residents are advised to stay warm and prepare for potential cold snaps.