Novavax生物技术公司向Novo Nordisk出售捷克制造厂,价值2亿美元。 Biotech firm Novavax sells its Czech manufacturing site to Novo Nordisk for $200 million.
Novavax生物技术公司同意以2亿美元的价格将其在捷克共和国Bohumil的制造场出售给Novo Nordisk制药公司。 Biotech company Novavax has agreed to sell its manufacturing site in Bohumil, Czech Republic, to pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk for $200 million. 这笔交易包括一个高技术制造设施及其劳动力,诺沃·诺迪斯克在今年年底前全面控制。 The deal includes a high-tech manufacturing facility and its workforce, with Novo Nordisk taking full control by the end of this year. Novavax公司预计今年将获得1.90亿美元,明年将获得1 000万美元,同时每年节省约8 000万美元。 Novavax expects to receive $190 million this year and $10 million next year, along with annual savings of about $80 million. 收益将帮助Novavax推进其增长战略。 The proceeds will help Novavax advance its growth strategy.