Derry的反恐警察在非法贷款调查中扣押现金和电话。 Anti-terror police in Derry seize cash and phones in illegal money lending investigation.
北爱尔兰德里的反恐警察在调查非法借钱时查获了现金和手机。 Anti-terror police in Derry, Northern Ireland, have seized cash and mobile phones during a search related to an investigation into illegal money lending. 北爱尔兰警察局的恐怖主义调查股进行了这次行动,没有逮捕任何人。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland's Terrorism Investigation Unit conducted the operation, with no arrests made. 随着调查的继续,正在对缴获的物品进行法医检查。 The items seized are being forensically examined as the investigation continues.