Aaron Bohannon Jr. 19, 在阿拉巴马州Prichard被发现死亡, Aaron Bohannon Jr., 19, was found dead in Prichard, Alabama, after being reported missing.
一名19岁的男子,Aaron Bohannon Jr.,被发现在阿拉巴马州普里查德(Prichard)公寓楼附近死亡,他的家人在报告失踪几小时后就报告失踪。 A 19-year-old man, Aaron Bohannon Jr., was found dead in Prichard, Alabama, near his apartment complex, just hours after being reported missing by his family. 普里查德警察局正在调查此案,尽管机动县治安官办公室不久将处理该地区的重大犯罪调查。 The case is under investigation by the Prichard Police Department, though the Mobile County Sheriff's Office will soon handle major crime investigations in the area. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人联系警方。 Authorities are urging anyone with information to contact the police.