弗吉尼亚男子被指控谋杀 妻子失踪案 经过四个月的调查 Virginia man charged with murder in wife's disappearance case after four-month investigation.
弗吉尼亚州一个男人被指控谋杀 因为他妻子四个月前失踪了 A Virginia man has been charged with murder after his wife disappeared four months ago. 案件引起了注意,因为从她失踪到对他提出指控之间间隔时间很长。 The case gained attention due to the lengthy period between her disappearance and the charges filed against him. 地方当局正在调查有关她失踪的细节以及导致谋杀指控的证据。 Local authorities are investigating the details surrounding her disappearance and the evidence that led to the murder charge.