英国首相斯塔默支持乌克兰,推动和谈,并警告不要俄罗斯获胜。 UK PM Starmer supports Ukraine, pushes for peace talks, and warns against a Russian victory.
联合王国首相凯尔·斯塔尔默承诺继续支持乌克兰,强调乌克兰必须处于可能进行和平谈判的强大地位。 UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged continued support for Ukraine, emphasizing the need for Ukraine to be in a strong position for potential peace talks. 他承认有可能通过谈判结束与俄罗斯的冲突,同时警告俄罗斯的胜利将威胁欧洲的安全。 He acknowledged the possibility of a negotiated end to the conflict with Russia, while warning that a Russian victory would threaten Europe's security. Starmer也讨论了与美国和欧洲保持牢固关系的重要性。 Starmer also discussed the importance of maintaining strong ties with both the US and Europe.