科罗拉多斯普林斯的Twain小学附近发生枪击,一男一女受伤;学校被封锁。 A shooting near Twain Elementary School in Colorado Springs injured a man and a woman; the school was locked down.
科罗拉多斯普林斯的Twain小学附近发生枪击事件,一名男子中枪受伤,一名妇女中枪外伤。 A shooting near Twain Elementary School in Colorado Springs injured one man with a gunshot wound and a woman with non-shooting related injuries. 学校被封锁,但警察证实没有直接参与。 The school was placed under lockdown, but police confirmed it was not directly involved. 两名受害者都被带到医院,伤势严重但无生命危险。 Both victims were taken to hospitals, with the man's injuries described as serious but non-life-threatening. 受害者关系的性质不明,调查仍在进行之中。 The nature of the victims' relationship is unknown, and the investigation is ongoing.