魁北克纺织公司 Sheertex Inc. 获得 $200M 以扩大耐用紧身裤的生产。 Sheertex Inc., a Quebec textile firm, secures $200M to expand production of durable tights.
设在魁北克的一家纺织公司Seertex Inc.筹集了2亿美元,以扩大用类似防弹背心的材料制造的牢不可破的紧身衣的生产。 Sheertex Inc., a Quebec-based textile company, has raised $200 million to expand its production of unbreakable tights made from a material similar to bulletproof vests. 资金包括魁北克投资公司魁北克分公司提供的2 500万美元。 The funding includes $25 million from Quebec's Investissement Quebec. 该公司的目标是促进销售和生产,以主要零售商为对象,争取到2025年底实现盈利。 The company aims to boost sales and production, targeting major retailers and aiming for profitability by late 2025. 预计这项投资将重振蒙特利尔服装业。 This investment is expected to rejuvenate Montreal's garment industry.