SEBI取消了 Trafiksol的IPO, 订单退款给投资者 有关金融不当行为的指控。 SEBI cancels Trafiksol's IPO, orders refund to investors over financial misconduct allegations.
印度证券交易委员会(SEBI)取消了Trafiksol ITS Technology' IPO, 并命令该公司退还因金融不当行为指控而从投资者那里筹集的资金。 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) canceled Trafiksol ITS Technologies' IPO and ordered the company to refund money raised from investors due to allegations of financial misconduct. 首次公开募股筹集了 448.7 亿卢比,最初在收到投诉后于 9 月停滞不前。 The IPO, which raised ₹44.87 crore, was initially stalled in September after complaints were filed. SEBI的调查导致决定退还投资者,并将公司的股份存入一个单独的账户。 SEBI's investigation led to the decision to refund investors and place the company's shares in a separate account. 该公司设在Noida,提供运输系统解决方案。 The company, based in Noida, provides transportation system solutions.