苏格兰男子在Loch Lubhair附近捕鱼旅行后失踪;当局担心他的安全。 Scottish man missing after fishing trip near Loch Lubhair; authorities concerned for his safety.
Fraser Allan, 43岁,来自苏格兰Bathgate的43岁男子,在Loch Lubhair附近的一次捕鱼旅行中未返回,失踪。 Fraser Allan, a 43-year-old man from Bathgate, Scotland, is missing after not returning from a fishing trip near Loch Lubhair. 星期一上午11时30分在Whitburn最后一次见到Allan, 被描述为5英尺2英寸高, 深灰色头发,胡子, 以及星战、小丑和死浦的手臂纹身。 Last seen on Monday at 11:30 am in Whitburn, Allan is described as 5ft 2in tall, with dark greying hair, a beard, and arm tattoos of Star Wars, the Joker, and Deadpool. 他的车在湖附近被发现,警方正在询问他的下落。 His car was found near the loch, and police are asking for any information on his whereabouts. 当局日益关心他的安全。 Authorities are increasingly concerned about his safety.