花粉下降威胁到食物供应; 自90年代以来, 君主蝴蝶下降了90%, 非营利组织寻求增加栖息地。 Pollinator decline threatens food supply; monarch butterflies down 90% since '90s, nonprofits seek to boost habitats.
对我们三分之一的食物至关重要的蝴蝶和蜜蜂,由于气候变化、生境损失和杀虫剂,正在减少。 Butterflies and bees, crucial for one-third of our food, are declining due to climate change, habitat loss, and pesticides. 自1950年以来,美国5种蝴蝶物种已经灭绝,自1990年代以来君主减少了90%。 Since 1950, five US butterfly species have gone extinct, with monarchs down by 90% since the 1990s. Xerces协会和杀虫者伙伴关系等非营利组织提倡无害生态的虫害防治和本地植物园艺,以助一臂之力。 Non-profits like Xerces Society and Pollinator Partnership promote eco-friendly pest control and native plant gardening to help. 个人可以通过种植本地野花、留下落叶、减少草坪以支持授粉者栖息地等方式提供援助。 Individuals can aid by planting native wildflowers, leaving fallen leaves, and reducing grass lawns to support pollinator habitats. 捐款也支持教育举措。 Donations also support educational initiatives.