领导他们的会议的明尼苏达荒野队今晚在 Xcel 能源中心主场迎战温哥华加人队。 Minnesota Wild, leading their conference, host the Vancouver Canucks at Xcel Energy Center tonight.
现在在西部联赛排名第一的明尼苏达野人队以36分, 将在12月3日晚上8点在Xcel能源中心主场迎接第六的温哥华卡努克队, The Minnesota Wild, currently first in the Western Conference with 36 points, will host the Vancouver Canucks, sixth with 29 points, on December 3 at 8:00 PM ET at Xcel Energy Center. ESPN+将播放这场比赛, 向球迷提供许多超市NHL游戏的机会。 ESPN+ will broadcast the game, offering fans access to numerous out-of-market NHL games. 根据ESPN+的预测, 野人队连续三场胜利, 预计得分为4-2. The Wild, on a three-game winning streak, are favored to win according to ESPN+ projections, with a predicted score of 4-2.