密歇根州彩票公司警告居民要警惕假彩票奖的骗局。 Michigan Lottery warns residents to beware of scams involving fake lottery prize offers.
密歇根彩票向居民警告骗局, 诈骗者假冒彩票经纪人, 或声称自己是得奖者, 来骗人寄钱。 The Michigan Lottery warns residents about scams where scammers impersonate lottery agents or claim to be prize winners to trick people into sending money. Scammers可能说受害者赢得了一个奖项,但需要支付一笔费用,或提出分享一个奖项以换取金钱。 Scammers may say victims have won a prize but need to pay a fee, or offer to share a prize in exchange for money. 彩票强调没有索取奖项的收费,并敦促居民在844-917-6325之间联系,以核实任何彩票奖或促销。 The lottery stresses there are no fees for claiming prizes and urges residents to contact them at 844-917-6325 to verify any lottery prize or promotion.