勒克瑙大学在其网站上发布了各种课程的2023-2024学期成绩。 Lucknow University released 2023-2024 semester results for various courses on its website.
Lucknow大学在其官方网站alkouniv.ac.in公布了2023-2024学年各本科生和研究生课程的成绩。 Lucknow University has released the 2023-2024 academic year semester results for various undergraduate and postgraduate courses on its official website, lkouniv.ac.in. 学生可通过访问网站、选择相关课程和输入名册号码来检查他们的分数。 Students can check their marks by visiting the site, selecting the relevant course, and entering their roll numbers. 研究结果可在偶数学期和奇数学期获得,涵盖艺术、商业、科学和其他领域的课程。 The results are available for both even and odd semesters and cover programs in arts, commerce, science, and other fields. 学生可以以PDFs下载结果。 Students can download their results as PDFs.