与主要制药公司合作,通过人工智能加速药物发现。 Insitro uses AI to accelerate drug discovery in partnership with major pharmaceutical companies.
Insitro是一家成立于2018年的AI公司,正在与Eli Lilly和Bristol Myers Squibb等制药巨人合作,利用机器学习加速药物发现。 Insitro, an AI company founded in 2018, is collaborating with pharmaceutical giants like Eli Lilly and Bristol Myers Squibb to accelerate drug discovery using machine learning. CEO Daphne Koller认为AI可以通过分析大量生物数据来帮助理解复杂的疾病并识别新的治疗方法。 CEO Daphne Koller believes AI can help understand complex diseases and identify new treatments by analyzing vast biological data. Insitro旨在弥合计算机科学家和医学研究人员之间的差距,以便更有效地开发新陈代谢、神经和变性疾病的药物。 Insitro aims to bridge the gap between computer scientists and medical researchers to develop drugs for metabolic, neurological, and degenerative diseases more efficiently.