美国的Hero MotoCorp将在2024年推出新的Mavrick 440机型, Hero MotoCorp to launch new Mavrick 440 scrambler model in 2024, featuring updated design.
美国的摩托车厂商Hero MotoCorp将在明年推出其Mavrick 440摩托车的新型机版. Hero MotoCorp is set to launch a new scrambler version of its Mavrick 440 motorcycle in the coming year. 机组将采用更新的设计元素,如新的合金轮,侧面板和更平的座椅,同时保留440cc发动机,产生27马力和36Nm扭矩. The scrambler will feature updated design elements like new alloy wheels, side panels, and a flatter seat, while retaining the 440cc engine producing 27 BHP and 36 Nm of torque. 它将与Yezdi Scrambler和Triumph Scrambler 400X等模型进行竞争。 It will compete with models like the Yezdi Scrambler and Triumph Scrambler 400X. 预计这辆自行车将在Bharat流动博览会上首次出现,并随后提供定价细节。 The bike is expected to debut at the Bharat Mobility Expo, with pricing details to follow.