前尼日利亚立法者Joseph Haruna Kigbu博士被土匪绑架,警察护送人员被打死。 Former Nigerian legislator Dr. Joseph Haruna Kigbu was abducted by bandits; a police escort was killed.
前尼日利亚众议院议员Joseph Haruna Kigbu博士星期一晚上在纳萨拉瓦州和卡杜纳州边界附近被疑似匪徒绑架。 A former Nigerian House of Representatives member, Dr. Joseph Haruna Kigbu, was abducted by suspected bandits on Monday evening near the border of Nasarawa and Kaduna States. 在这次事件中,被指派保护Kigbu博士的一名警察护送人员遭到致命枪击。 During the incident, a police escort assigned to protect Dr. Kigbu was fatally shot. 该地区以犯罪活动闻名,当地村民证实了绑架行为。 The area is known for criminal activities, and local villagers confirmed the abduction. Nasarawa州警察尚未对这一事件发表评论。 The Nasarawa State Police have not yet commented on the incident.