Eskom在13亿卢比的付款后暂停对约翰内斯堡的停电,还有更多后续。 Eskom suspends power cuts to Johannesburg after R1.3 billion payment, with more to follow.
南非电力公司Eskom在该市支付13亿兰特并承诺支付额外款项之后,由于未偿还债务,暂停了对约翰内斯堡的潜在停电。 South Africa's power utility, Eskom, has suspended potential power cuts to Johannesburg due to unpaid debts, after the city paid R1.3 billion and committed to additional payments. 现在将对有争议的34亿兰特的超额收费要求展开独立调查。 An independent investigation into a disputed overbilling claim of R3.4 billion will now proceed. 此举旨在解决埃斯科姆与该市之间的财政紧张,预计不久将全额偿还49亿兰特的债务。 This move aims to resolve financial tensions between Eskom and the city, with full payment of the R4.9 billion debt expected soon.