驾驶员因酒后驾车撞死新婚的Samantha Miller 被判25年徒刑。 Driver sentenced to 25 years for DUI crash that killed newlywed Samantha Miller.
南卡罗来纳州一名司机向酒后驾车协会认罪,车祸造成新婚的Samantha Miller死亡,她的丈夫重伤。 A driver in South Carolina pleaded guilty to DUI after a crash that killed newlywed Samantha Miller and critically injured her husband. 这起事件发生在4月28日,司机撞上了一辆载有夫妇和另外两人的高尔夫球车。 The incident, which occurred on April 28th, saw the driver strike a golf cart carrying the couple and two others. 她被判处25年监禁,强调了酒后驾车的严重后果。 She was sentenced to 25 years in prison, highlighting the severe consequences of drunk driving.