Danny Hebert认罪,在每小时30公里的地带超速超速110公里/小时,罚款500美元,不禁止驾驶。 Danny Hebert pleaded guilty to speeding 110 km/h in a 30 km/h zone, fined $500 with no driving ban.
丹尼·赫伯特是一名29岁的温哥华男子,在2019年5月12日,在VanDusen植物园附近的30公里/小时区域内以110公里/小时的速度行驶后,他承认过速罪. Danny Hebert, a 29-year-old Vancouver man, pleaded guilty to speeding charges after driving 110 km/h in a 30 km/h zone near VanDusen Botanical Garden on May 12, 2019. 最初被控危险驾驶, 他的律师说,由于个人问题, 这种行为是性格失常的。 Initially charged with dangerous driving, his lawyer said the behavior was out of character, due to personal issues. Ellen Gordon法官罚款Hebert 500美元,但没有禁止驾驶;不过,许可证发放当局可以采取进一步行动。 Judge Ellen Gordon fined Hebert $500 but did not prohibit driving; however, further action by licensing authorities is possible.