在Pleasant山的I-526号汽车事故造成严重的交通延误,右车道关闭。 A car accident on I-526 in Mount Pleasant causes severe traffic delays, with the right lane closed.
在南卡罗来纳州Pleasant山长点路附近东行的I-526号汽车事故导致交通严重延误,右车道关闭,后备车长数英里。 A car accident on the eastbound I-526 near Long Point Road in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, has caused significant traffic delays, with the right lane closed and backups extending for several miles. 早上8点后,通讯员面临从西阿什利到Pleasant山两个多小时的驾驶时间。 Commuters faced over two-hour drive times from West Ashley to Mount Pleasant after 8 a.m. 南卡罗来纳州交通部建议寻找替代路线。 The South Carolina Department of Transportation advises seeking alternate routes. 没有提供关于受伤或坠机原因的详情。 No details on injuries or the crash's cause were provided.