加州隐私机构在起草AI条例时面临强烈反弹, California privacy agency faces backlash for drafting AI regulations, seen as hampering state's tech leadership.
加利福尼亚州的一个隐私机构被指控通过起草人工智能条例超越其权限,有可能阻碍州作为AI开发领先者的地位。 A California privacy agency is accused of overstepping its authority by drafting regulations for artificial intelligence, potentially hindering the state's position as a leader in AI development. 该机构的行动吸引了多个当地新闻媒体的批评,他们认为这一举动可能会扼杀技术部门的创新和投资。 The agency's actions have drawn criticism from multiple local news outlets, which argue that the move could stifle innovation and investment in the tech sector.