美国加利福尼亚州的城市禁止人工智能租金设定软件, California cities ban AI rent-setting software as federal lawsuit accuses RealPage of inflating rents.
例如圣迭戈和旧金山等加利福尼亚城市禁止房东使用AI软件确定房租价格, California cities like San Diego and San Francisco are banning AI software used by landlords to set rent prices, arguing it inflates housing costs. 联邦政府和八个州已经对RealPage提出反托拉斯诉讼,RealPage是这类软件的主要提供者,指控它非法分享敏感的房东数据以抬高租金。 The federal government and eight states have filed an antitrust lawsuit against RealPage, a leading provider of such software, accusing it of illegally sharing sensitive landlord data to drive up rents. 房地产公司控制了80%的市场,并被指控使房东受益,费用由租户支付。 RealPage controls 80% of the market and is accused of benefiting landlords at renters' expense.