Brian Walshe被控于2023年谋杀和肢解他的妻子Ana,于10月受审。 Brian Walshe goes on trial in October for the alleged murder and dismemberment of his wife, Ana, in 2023.
Brian Walshe(马萨诸塞州男子)于2025年10月20日因涉嫌于2023年1月谋杀他的妻子Ana Walshe而面临审判。 Brian Walshe, a Massachusetts man, faces trial on October 20, 2025, for allegedly murdering his wife, Ana Walshe, in January 2023. Ana的尸体尚未被发现,但检察官称Walshe肢解了她,并处置了她的身体部位。 Ana's body has not been found, but prosecutors claim Walshe dismembered her and disposed of her body parts. 证据包括Walshe对肢解和尸体处置的在线搜索,以及270万美元的人寿保险单将他称为受益人。 Evidence includes Walshe's online searches on dismemberment and body disposal, and a $2.7 million life insurance policy naming him as the beneficiary. 他的辩护人正在从一个相关案件中寻求文件,以质疑调查的完整性。 His defense is seeking documents from a related case to question the integrity of the investigation.