巴尔的摩县议会公布了12名候选人 以取代即将离任的县行政官约翰尼·奥尔谢夫斯基 Baltimore County Council unveils 12 candidates to replace outgoing County Executive Johnny Olszewski.
巴尔的摩县议会已宣布12名候选人接替将于2025年1月出任国会议员的县行政长官约翰尼·奥尔谢夫斯基。 The Baltimore County Council has announced 12 candidates to succeed County Executive Johnny Olszewski, who is leaving to join Congress in January 2025. 临时县行政主管将监督20个办事处的46亿美元预算,年薪为192 000美元。 The interim county executive will oversee a $4.6 billion budget across 20 offices and earn a $192,000 salary annually. 该理事会将于12月10日举行公开听证会,收集社区对所需资格的意见,尽管本次会议不会认可候选人。 The council will hold a public hearing on December 10 to gather community input on desired qualifications, though no candidate endorsements will be made at this meeting.