Atal创新代表团和瑞典大使馆是SheSTEM 2024的东道主,鼓励青年在电池技术方面进行创新。 Atal Innovation Mission and Sweden's Embassy host SheSTEM 2024, encouraging youth to innovate in battery tech.
阿塔尔创新特派团和瑞典大使馆组织了SheSTEM 2024,鼓励6-12年级学生探索STEM职业。 Atal Innovation Mission and Sweden's Embassy organized SheSTEM 2024 to encourage students in grades 6-12 to explore STEM careers. 今年,与会者提出了关于电池技术和能源储存的创新想法,有1 000多名学生在两分钟的视频中介绍了他们的概念。 This year, participants submitted innovative ideas on battery technology and energy storage, with over 1,000 students presenting their concepts in two-minute videos. 这次活动旨在激励年轻人通过STEM教育来应对全球可持续性挑战。 The event aims to inspire young minds to address global sustainability challenges through STEM education.