照片捕捉特朗普受伤 拜登退出 哈里斯在2024年竞选的历史性提名 AP photos capture Trump's injury, Biden's withdrawal, and Harris's historic nomination in 2024 campaign.
美国新闻社摄影师拍摄了2024年美国总统大选的关键时刻,包括唐纳德·特朗普在一颗子弹到他的耳朵后面部满血的挑性形象,以及乔·拜登退出民主党候选人名单,导致卡玛拉·哈里斯成为第一位由主要政党提名的有色人种女性. Associated Press photographers captured key moments of the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign, including Donald Trump's defiant image with blood on his face after a bullet grazed his ear, and Joe Biden's withdrawal from the Democratic ticket, leading to Kamala Harris becoming the first woman of color nominated by a major party. 包括Harris和Doug Emhoff在空军二号上大笑以及Elon Musk对特朗普演讲的热情反应。 The gallery also includes candid moments like Harris and Doug Emhoff laughing aboard Air Force Two, and Elon Musk's enthusiastic reaction to Trump's speech.