演员迈克尔·法斯宾德 (Michael Fassbender) 主演了新的间谍惊悚片《The Agency》,该片在 Apple TV+ 上首播。 Actor Michael Fassbender stars in new spy thriller "The Agency," premiering on Apple TV+.
迈克尔·法斯宾德 (Michael Fassbender) 主演了《The Agency》,这是一部在 Apple TV+ 上首播的新间谍惊悚片。 Michael Fassbender stars in "The Agency," a new spy thriller that premiered on Apple TV+. 该剧围绕一个高风险的间谍世界展开,法斯宾德在其中扮演一名夹在两个敌对机构之间的双重间谍。 The show centers around a high-stakes world of espionage where Fassbender plays a double agent caught between two rival agencies. 凭借错综复杂的情节和激烈的对抗,《The Agency》提供了一个扣人心弦的叙事,充满了背叛和悬念。 With intricate plots and intense confrontations, "The Agency" offers a gripping narrative filled with betrayal and suspense.