Uber介绍Uber Caregiver,为行动不便者提供交通帮助。 Uber introduces Uber Caregiver, aiding transportation for those with limited mobility.
Uber公司推出了一项名为Uber Caregiver的新服务,旨在帮助照料者管理行动能力有限的人的交通,如中风幸存者Greg Biddle。 Uber has launched a new service, Uber Caregiver, designed to help caregivers manage transportation for those with limited mobility, such as stroke survivor Greg Biddle. 该功能使照料者能够利用护理接受者的首选支付方法,通过Uber应用程序安排乘车。 The feature allows caregivers to arrange rides through the Uber app using the care recipient's preferred payment method. 它包括实时通信的三方对话,以及可提前90天预订车程的能力,目的是为照顾者和接受者提供更大的独立性,减少压力。 It includes a three-way chat for real-time communication and the ability to book rides up to 90 days in advance, aiming to provide more independence and reduce stress for both caregivers and recipients.