最高法院就污染控制期间未支付建筑工人工资的问题传唤官员。 Supreme Court summons officials over failure to pay construction workers during pollution curbs.
最高法院已传唤德里和邻近国家民事委员会各州的首席秘书,因为他们在停止消除空气污染的建筑活动期间未能向建筑工人支付生活津贴。 The Supreme Court has summoned Chief Secretaries of Delhi and neighboring NCR states over their failure to pay subsistence allowances to construction workers during the halt of construction activities to combat air pollution. 法院命令这些官员于12月5日出庭,允许各州在此期间提交宣誓书。 The court ordered the officials to appear on December 5th, allowing states to file affidavits in the meantime. 它警告说,如果国家不证明向工人实际付款,就可能采取藐视法庭行为。 It warned of potential contempt actions if states do not prove actual payment to workers.