澳大利亚最大的杏仁公司Select Harvests报告了150万美元的利, Select Harvests, Australia's biggest almond firm, reports a $1.5 million profit, reversing last year's $115M loss.
尽管澳大利亚农业企业的经济衰退, 尽管去年亏损1.15亿美元, 虽然这笔亏损还不大, 澳大利亚最大的杏仁企业Select Harvests的净利已经回升至150万美元. Select Harvests, Australia's largest almond business, has rebounded to a modest net profit of $1.5 million after a $115 million loss last year, despite the downturn in Australian agribusiness. 公司的成功归功于49%的作物收成更大,其他种植者种植的杏仁增加了208%,杏仁价格增加了20%。 The company's success is attributed to a 49% larger crop, a 208% increase in almonds from other growers, and a 20% rise in almond prices. 该公司还正在加强其物流和加工能力,以满足中国和印度的强劲需求。 The company is also enhancing its logistics and processing capabilities to meet strong demand from China and India.