圣徒队球员泰索姆·希尔 (Taysom Hill) 在输给公羊队的比赛中因膝盖受伤而被换下,这是他本赛季的第三次受伤。 Saints player Taysom Hill was carted off with a knee injury, his third this season, during their loss to the Rams.
泰索姆·希尔 (Taysom Hill) 是新奥尔良圣徒队的一名多才多艺的球员,在他们 21-14 输给洛杉矶公羊队的比赛中,他因膝盖受伤被抬下场。 Taysom Hill, a versatile player for the New Orleans Saints, was carted off the field with a knee injury during their 21-14 loss to the Los Angeles Rams. 这是希尔本季的第三次受伤 This is Hill's third injury this season. 受伤前,希尔以 37 码的 5 次接球领先圣徒队。 Before the injury, Hill led the Saints in catches with five for 37 yards. 圣徒现在4-8岁,正在等待对希尔的状况作出进一步评估,这可能对其季节产生重大影响。 The Saints, now at 4-8, are awaiting further assessment of Hill's condition, which could significantly impact their season.