18 岁的橄榄球明星乔丹·哈姆林 (Jordan Hamlin) 在赢得英超冠军后与墨尔本风暴队的 SG Ball Cup 球队签约。 Rugby star Jordan Hamlin, 18, signs with Melbourne Storm's S.G. Ball Cup team after premiership win.
18 岁的橄榄球明星乔丹·哈姆林 (Jordan Hamlin) 已与墨尔本风暴队的 SG Ball Cup 球队签约。 Jordan Hamlin, an 18-year-old rugby star, has signed with Melbourne Storm's S.G. Ball Cup team. 哈姆林在带领他的团队去劳里戴利杯决赛 并赢得了 18岁以下的邓古万牛仔队的冠军后 搬到墨尔本 他在那里安顿下来 并开始一份残疾支助工作 After leading his team to the Laurie Daley Cup grand final and winning a premiership with the Dungowan Cowboys under 18s, Hamlin moved to Melbourne, where he is settling in and starting a disability support job. 他计划在即将到来的S.G.球杯赛季中打半卫, He plans to play halfback in the upcoming S.G. Ball Cup season starting in February.