新南威尔士州板球决赛因雨而暂停,导致官员考虑重赛。 Rain halts NSW cricket final between Newcastle and Western, leading officials to consider a replay.
新南威尔士州乡村板球锦标赛在纽卡斯尔和西部之间的决赛因黑城国际体育公园下雨而结束。 The NSW Country Cricket Championships final between Newcastle and Western ended in a draw due to rain at Blacktown International Sports Park. 五届卫冕冠军纽卡斯尔赢得了投球并选择投球,西部的队长马蒂·杰弗里 (Marty Jeffrey) 得分 55 分。 Newcastle, the five-time defending champions, won the toss and chose to bowl, with Western's captain Marty Jeffrey scoring 55 runs. 这场比赛因大雨而放弃,未达到15个以上的最低要求。 The game was abandoned due to heavy rain, falling short of the 15-over minimum. 官员正在考虑在1月底或2月初重播。 Officials are considering a replay in late January or early February.