Rahul Bhasin因在印度泊车纠纷期间纵火烧毁邻居的车而被捕。 Rahul Bhasin arrested for setting neighbor's car on fire during a parking dispute in India.
Rahul Bhasin在德里的泊车纠纷中纵火焚烧邻居的汽车后被捕。 Rahul Bhasin was arrested after setting his neighbor's car on fire in a parking dispute in Delhi. 被闭路电视捕捉的这一事件显示,Bhasin和两名朋友损坏了汽车,并点燃了汽车。 The incident, caught on CCTV, showed Bhasin and two friends damaging and setting the car on fire. 在向北方邦追逐600公里后,Bhasin和另外6人被捕。 After a 600-km chase to Uttar Pradesh, Bhasin and six others were arrested. 警察正在继续进行调查。 The police are continuing their investigation.