警察在星期天在伊利诺伊州一个辅助居住设施枪杀了一名用链锯操纵的嫌犯。 Police fatally shot a chainsaw-wielding suspect at an Illinois assisted living facility on Sunday.
星期天,警察在伊利诺斯州St. Charles的辅助居住设施开枪打死了一名电链锯的嫌疑人。 Police shot and killed a chainsaw-wielding suspect at an assisted living facility in St. Charles, Illinois, on Sunday. 发生骚乱后,当局被传唤,并证实所有居民和工作人员都安全。 Authorities were called after a disturbance and confirmed all residents and staff are safe. 正在进行调查的现场有大量警察在场,但官员说不存在公众危险。 A large police presence is at the scene for an ongoing investigation, but officials say there is no public danger. River Glen管理正在现场提供所需的支助和更新。 River Glen management is on site providing support and updates as needed.