在匹兹堡公寓发现有人手臂中弹;警方调查时还没有嫌疑人。 Man shot in arm found in Pittsburgh apartment; police investigate with no suspects yet.
一名28岁的男子星期天清晨在匹兹堡的艾伦镇地区被枪击中手臂。 A 28-year-old man was shot in the arm early Sunday morning in Pittsburgh's Allentown area. 上午4时左右在东沃灵顿大道一个家庭成员的公寓中被发现,他被稳定地送往医院。 Found in a family member's apartment on East Warrington Avenue around 4 a.m., he was taken to the hospital in stable condition. 警方在现场没有发现任何证据,枪击的确切地点仍不清楚。 Police found no evidence at the scene and the exact location of the shooting remains unclear. 匹兹堡警察暴力犯罪股正在调查 尚未查出嫌犯 The Pittsburgh Police's Violent Crime Unit is investigating, with no suspects identified yet.