凯特·温斯莱特 (Kate Winslet) 在《李》中饰演二战摄影师李·米勒 (Lee Miller),强调真实性并直面行业挑战。 Kate Winslet stars as WWII photographer Lee Miller in "Lee," emphasizing authenticity and facing industry challenges.
奥斯卡金像奖得主凯特·温斯莱特 (Kate Winslet) 主演并制作了一部关于二战摄影师李·米勒 (Lee Miller) 的电影《李》。 Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet stars in and produces "Lee," a film about World War II photographer Lee Miller. Winslet 强调真实性,制作了 Miller 相机的复制品并学习使用它。 Winslet emphasizes authenticity, creating a replica of Miller's camera and learning to use it. 她面临行业对女性角色的怀疑,并坚持组建一个由女性领导的创意团队。 She faced industry skepticism about women's roles and insisted on a female-led creative team. 温斯莱特的奉献精神,包括忠于米勒的风格和练习费城口音,给米勒的儿子留下了深刻的印象。 Winslet's dedication, including staying true to Miller's style and practicing the Philadelphia accent, impressed Miller's son.