印度的财政赤字达到2025年前七个月预算估计数的46.5%。 India's fiscal deficit reaches 46.5% of its budget estimate for the first seven months of 2025.
印度在2025财政年度头七个月的财政赤字为预算估计数的46.5%,达7.51亿卢比。 India's fiscal deficit for the first seven months of the financial year 2025 is at 46.5% of its budget estimate, amounting to Rs 7.51 lakh crore. 政府资本支出为42%,剩下58%将在今后五个月中支出。 The government's capital expenditure stands at 42%, leaving 58% to be spent in the next five months. 尽管资本支出下降减缓,但决策者在实现财政目标的同时在平衡收入和资本支出方面面临挑战。 Despite an easing decline in capital spending, policymakers face a challenge in balancing revenue and capital expenditure while meeting fiscal targets.