双胞胎Karen Rodman和Linda Thomas在锡达西奈成功完成了肾移植手术。 Identical twins Karen Rodman and Linda Thomas successfully complete kidney transplant at Cedars-Sinai.
同龄双胞胎Karen Rodman和Linda Thomas在南加利福尼亚州Cedars-Sinai医疗中心成功进行了肾移植,Karen向她的妹妹Linda捐赠了肾,她被诊断患有癌症。 Identical twins Karen Rodman and Linda Thomas underwent a successful kidney transplant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Southern California, with Karen donating a kidney to her sister Linda, who was diagnosed with cancer. 两姐妹自出生以来一直是不可分割的,他们都在医院康复,并一起庆祝感恩节,在此充满挑战的时刻对他们支持的亲朋好友表示感谢。 Both sisters, who have been inseparable since birth, recovered in the hospital and celebrated Thanksgiving together, expressing gratitude for their supportive family and friends during this challenging time. 琳达在移植手术前 已经恢复了两年 Linda had been in remission for two years prior to the transplant.