EY报告:印度需要超过7%的GDP增长和财政改革以实现“Viksit Bharat”目标。 EY report: India needs over 7% GDP growth and fiscal reforms to meet "Viksit Bharat" goals.
EY印度的报告指出,印度需要实现7%以上的持续GDP增长,并加强其财政框架,以在2048年之前实现其“Viksit Bharat”目标。 EY India's report suggests that India needs to achieve a sustained GDP growth of over 7% and strengthen its fiscal framework to meet its "Viksit Bharat" goal by 2048. 关键战略包括增加政府开支和税收、改革财政转移以及调整支出优先事项。 Key strategies include increasing government spending and tax revenues, reforming fiscal transfers, and adjusting expenditure priorities. 报告建议到2048年将政府支出提高到国内生产总值的35%,到2031年将财政赤字降至6%。 The report recommends raising government expenditure to 35% of GDP by 2048 and reducing the fiscal deficit to 6% by 2031.