Chester FC球迷发现死亡; 被控在一场比赛中在Warrington FC球员身上采取种族主义手势。 Chester FC fan found dead; accused of racist gestures at Warrington FC player during a match.
一名切斯特足球俱乐部球迷在威尔士弗林特被发现死亡,他被指控在 11 月 30 日的比赛中对沃灵顿足球俱乐部的一名球员做出种族主义手势。 A Chester FC fan found dead in Flint, Wales, was accused of making racist gestures at a Warrington FC player during a match on November 30. 这名男子在死亡前被警方查明身份,这不被视为可疑。 The man was identified by police before his death, which is not deemed suspicious. 足球协会正在调查种族主义事件以及诸如使用烟火等其他不当行为。 The Football Association is investigating the racist incident along with other misconduct, such as the use of pyrotechnics. 切斯特FC谴责这种行为 并合作调查。 Chester FC condemned the behavior and is cooperating with the investigation.