印度人民党领导人H Raja因在印度诽谤性言论和煽动暴力被判处6个月徒刑。 BJP leader H Raja sentenced to 6 months for derogatory remarks and provoking violence in India.
人民党领导人H Raja在钦奈被钦奈的一个特别法庭判处6个月监禁,罪名是诽谤DMK议员Kanimozhi并暗示破坏Periyar雕像。 BJP leader H Raja was sentenced to six months in prison by a special court in Chennai for making derogatory remarks against DMK MP Kanimozhi and suggesting the destruction of Periyar statues. 法院暂停了30天的刑期,以便Raja能够提出上诉。 The court suspended the sentence for 30 days to allow Raja to appeal. 他因诽谤和煽动暴力而根据《印度刑法》若干条款被定罪。 He was convicted under several sections of the Indian Penal Code for defamation and provoking violence.