澳大利亚的研究揭示了精神保健的不平等,较贫困地区面临更多痛苦,获得保健服务的机会较少。 Australian study reveals mental health care inequity, with poorer areas facing more distress, less access.
澳大利亚研究人员发现,澳大利亚的精神保健系统不公平,较贫穷地区的人精神痛苦程度较高,但获得服务的机会却较少。 Australian researchers have found that the country's mental health care system is not equitable, with those in poorer areas experiencing higher levels of mental distress but having less access to services. 该研究显示,收入最低的家庭的人更有可能有心理健康问题,但得到的医疗保健补贴服务比富裕地区少六倍。 The study shows people in the lowest income households are more likely to have mental health issues but receive six times fewer Medicare-subsidised services than those in wealthier areas. 虽然公共社区心理健康服务有助于缩小这一差距,但获得心理健康护理的机会依然不平等。 While public community mental health services help reduce this gap, mental health care access remains inequitable.