演员凯特·迪基,以"权力的游戏"而闻名,成为苏格兰戏剧学院的赞助人. Actress Kate Dickie, known for "Game of Thrones," becomes patron at Scottish drama conservatoire.
因在《权力的游戏》、《星球大战》和《普罗米修斯》中的角色而闻名的获奖女演员凯特·迪基 (Kate Dickie) 已成为苏格兰皇家音乐学院戏剧、制作和电影初级学院的赞助人。 Award-winning actress Kate Dickie, known for roles in "Game of Thrones," "Star Wars," and "Prometheus," has become a patron of the Junior Conservatoire of Drama, Production, and Film at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Dickie是RCS的毕业生,旨在指导和支持下一代11至18岁的演员和电影制作人。 Dickie, a graduate of the RCS, aims to mentor and support the next generation of actors and filmmakers aged 11 to 18. 她在电影、戏剧和电视方面的经验将为全国音乐学院的年轻艺术家提供宝贵的指导。 Her experience in film, theatre, and television will provide valuable guidance to young artists at the national conservatoire.