威尔士歌手Mari Mathias在印度的Hornbill节表演, Welsh singer Mari Mathias performs at India's Hornbill Festival to boost cultural ties between Wales and Nagaland.
威尔士歌手Mari Mathias将在印度的Hornbill节演出, Welsh singer Mari Mathias will perform at India's Hornbill Festival, promoting cultural exchange between Wales and Nagaland. Mathias 以将传统威尔士民谣与现代音乐相结合而闻名,她将她的表演视为加强国际联系的一种方式。 Known for blending traditional Welsh folk with modern music, Mathias sees her performance as a way to strengthen international ties. 得到英国文化委员会支持的这一节日突出了文化外交在促进国家间长期伙伴关系和相互理解方面的作用。 The festival, supported by the British Council, highlights the role of cultural diplomacy in fostering long-lasting partnerships and mutual understanding between nations.