德里-蒙拜高速公路建筑工地的隧道坍塌造成1名工人死亡,2人受伤。 A tunnel collapse on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway construction site killed one worker and injured two.
在拉贾斯坦邦科塔,德里-蒙拜高速公路地下隧道的一段隧道坍塌,造成1名工人死亡,另外2人受伤。 A section of an under-construction tunnel for the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway collapsed in Kota, Rajasthan, killing one worker and injuring two others. 事件发生于星期六晚上,地点在Ramganj Mandi的Modak地区。 The incident occurred Saturday night in the Modak area of Ramganj Mandi. 工人被救出并被赶往医院, 其中一名33岁的Shamsher Singh去世. Workers were rescued and rushed to a hospital, where one, 33-year-old Shamsher Singh, died. 警方和全国安全情报局的官员正在现场调查事故原因。 Police and NHAI officials are at the scene investigating the cause of the accident.