三名青少年被抢劫,一名青少年被手枪击落,偷走了他们的汽车;警察逮捕了嫌疑人。 Three teens robbed and pistol-whipped a teenager, stealing their car; police arrested the suspects.
三名青少年周日清晨在圣安东尼奥Glendale Ave和繁荣大道附近被另一批3名青少年抢走车辆和钱包。 Three teenagers were robbed of their vehicle and purse early Sunday morning near Glendale Ave and Prosperity Drive in San Antonio by another group of three teens. 一名受害者被手枪砍伤。 One victim was pistol-whipped. 警方用车辆描述找到被盗车辆,导致嫌犯因被控严重抢劫罪被捕。 Police used a vehicle description to find the stolen car, leading to the arrest of the suspects on charges of Aggravated Robbery. 受害人的伤势并非危及生命。 The injured victim's condition is not life-threatening.